cumbia-multiread plugin  4.x
This plugin allows parallel and sequential reading from multiple sources

Please read QuMultiReaderPluginInterface documentation and the multireader example under the examples subfolder of the plugin directory.

void Multireader::m_loadMultiReaderPlugin()
QDir pluginsDir(CUMBIA_QTCONTROLS_PLUGIN_DIR);"plugins");
foreach (QString fileName, pluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Files)) {
QPluginLoader pluginLoader(pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName));
QObject *plugin = pluginLoader.instance();
if (plugin) {
m_multir = qobject_cast<QuMultiReaderPluginInterface *>(plugin);
// configure multi reader
// cu_t is a reference to CumbiaTango
// cu_tango_r_fac is a CuTReaderFactory
// CuTReader::Manual is the CuTReader::RefreshMode enum value that identifies
// manual refresh mode for the Tango engine. It tells the QuMultiReader to
// perform a sequential read of the sources, one after another, and emit the
// onSeqReadComplete when each cycle is over.
// A value of -1 instead of CuTReader::Manual would configure the QuMultiReader to
// read the n sources concurrently. In this case, no onSeqReadComplete is emitted.
m_multir->init(cu_t, cu_tango_r_fac, CuTReader::Manual);
// get multi reader as qobject in order to connect signals to slots
connect(m_multir->get_qobject(), SIGNAL(onNewData(const CuData&)), this, SLOT(newData(const CuData&)));
connect(m_multir->get_qobject(), SIGNAL(onSeqReadComplete(const QList<CuData >&)), this, SLOT(seqReadComplete(const QList<CuData >&)));
// set the sources
perr("Multireader.m_loadMultiReaderPlugin: error loading plugin: %s", qstoc(pluginLoader.errorString()));