cumbia-tango 1.x
C++ multi threaded library based on cumbia and the Tango control system
CuData bundle description for data exchange with the Tango world

CuData for Tango attribute configuration and command info

The CuData received upon attribute configuration will contain the following keys:

Key Type Value Description Notes
type string "property" Identifies a configuration content within CuData Fixed value to identify the type of CuData
src string - The source name as configured with setSource. Tango device / attribute src key always present in CuData
value CuVariant - The attribute value that is normally fetched during the configuration. -
data bool true A CuData with configuration data will have the "data" key always set to true -
msg string - A message bearing information about the success of the operation. See the err key below
err bool - true if an error occurred, false otherwise See the msg key above
df Tango::AttrDataFormat (enum) - Tango attribute format, Scalar,Spectrum,... convert with toInt()
dfs string - string representation of data_format -
data_type int - Tango data type -
description string - Tango attribute description from AttributeInfo -
display_unit string - Tango display unit from AttributeInfo -
standard_unit string - Tango standard unit from AttributeInfo -
unit string - Tango "unit" from AttributeInfo -
label string - Tango "label" from AttributeInfo -
writable Tango::AttrWriteType - Tango write type (enum) { READ, READ_WITH_WRITE, WRITE, READ_WRITE, WT_UNKNOWN } convert with toInt()
writable_attr_name string - writable_attr_name from AttributeInfo -
max_alarm string - Tango::AttributeAlarmInfo max_alarm devapi.h
min_alarm string - Tango::AttributeAlarmInfo min_alarm devapi.h
max_warning string - Tango::AttributeAlarmInfo max_warning devapi.h
min_warning string - Tango::AttributeAlarmInfo min_warning devapi.h
delta_t string - Tango::AttributeAlarmInfo delta_t devapi.h
delta_val string - Tango::AttributeAlarmInfo delta_val devapi.h
archive_abs_change string - Tango::AttributeEventInfo.arch_event.archive_abs_change devapi.h
archive_rel_change string - Tango::AttributeEventInfo.arch_event.archive_rel_change devapi.h
archive_period string - Tango::AttributeEventInfo.arch_event.archive_period devapi.h
abs_change string - Tango::AttributeEventInfo.ch_event.abs_change devapi.h
rel_change string - Tango::AttributeEventInfo.ch_event.rel_change devapi.h
periodic_period string - Tango::AttributeEventInfo.per_event.period devapi.h
max string - Tango AttributeConfig max_value Named "max" for consistency with Epics
min string - Tango AttributeConfig min_value Named "min" for consistency with Epics
name string - Tango name string from AttributeInfo -
max_dim_x int - Tango attribute max x dimension -
max_dim_y int - Tango attribute max y dimension -
disp_level Tango::DispLevel - Tango::DispLevel from AttributeInfoEx (lib/cpp/server/idl/tango.h: { OPERATOR, EXPERT, DL_UNKNOWN) } convert with toInt()
root_attr_name string - from AttributeInfoEx: Root attribute name (in case of forwarded attribute) -
description string - Tango attribute description from AttributeInfo -
display_unit string - Tango display unit from AttributeInfo -
standard_unit string - Tango standard unit from AttributeInfo -
unit string - Tango "unit" from AttributeInfo -
success string - A string with the name of the color provided the class CuTangoWorldConfig associated to an error/success Can be used to decorate widgets

The CuData received upon command info configuration type will contain the following keys:

Key Type Value Description Notes
type string "property" Identifies a configuration content within CuData Fixed value to identify the type of CuData
src string - The source name as configured with setSource. Tango device / attribute src
data bool true A CuData with configuration data will have the "data" key always set to true -
msg string - A message bearing information about the success of the operation. See the err key below
err bool - true if an error occurred, false otherwise See the msg key abovekey always present in CuData
value CuVariant - The attribute value that is normally fetched during the configuration. -
cmd_name string - The command name, from Tango::CommandInfo from Tango::CommandInfo, devapi.h
in_type long - Input parameter data type from Tango::CommandInfo, devapi.h
out_type long - Output parameter data type from Tango::CommandInfo, devapi.h
dt long - Output parameter type, same as "out_type", in order to be consistent with attribute configuration CuData see CuData "data_type" from attribute configuration above
in_type_desc string - Input parameter description from Tango::CommandInfo, devapi.h
out_type_desc string - Output parameter description from Tango::CommandInfo, devapi.h
df Tango::AttrDataFormat (enum) - Provided for consistency with attribute configuration CuData, determined from CommandInfo out_type see CuData "df" from attribute configuration above
color string - A string with the name of the color provided the class CuTangoWorldConfig associated to an error/success Can be used to decorate widgets


In this example, we discuss how a plot is configured using the CuData with "type" set to "property".

void QuSpectrumPlot::update(const CuData &da)
if(!da["err"].toBool() && da["type"].toString() == "property")
CuVariant m, M;
m = da["min"]; // min value
M = da["max"]; // max value
bool okl, oku; // toDouble ok for lower and upper bound
double lb, ub; // double for lower and upper bound
QString min = QString::fromStdString(m.toString()); // min is of type string
QString max = QString::fromStdString(M.toString()); // max is of type string
QString plotTitle = QString::fromStdString(da["label"].toString());
lb = min.toDouble(&okl); // string to double, see if ok
ub = max.toDouble(&oku); // string to double, see if ok
if(okl && oku)
// get current default lower and upper bounds
double current_def_lb = defaultLowerBound(QwtPlot::yLeft);
double current_def_ub = defaultUpperBound(QwtPlot::yLeft);
// if the minimum saved into lb is smaller than the current lower bound
if(current_def_lb > lb)
current_def_lb = lb;
if(current_def_ub < ub)
current_def_ub = ub;
setDefaultBounds(current_def_lb, current_def_ub, QwtPlot::yLeft);

CuData contents from Tango Device attributes

When reading attributes, the key/values you should expect to find within the CuData are shown in the following table:

Key Type Value Description Notes
data bool true A CuData with configuration data will have the "data" key always set to true -
src string - The source name as configured with setSource. Tango device / attribute src
msg string - A message bearing information about the success of the operation. See the err key below
err bool - true if an error occurred, false otherwise See the msg key abovekey always present in CuData
color string - A string with the name of the color provided the class CuTangoWorldConfig associated to an error/success Can be used to decorate widgets
timestamp_ms time_t + suseconds_t - Timestamp as integer: a struct timeval is used to store the timestamp. Formula: tiv.tv_sec * 1000 + tiv.tv_usec / 1000; can convert with toLongInt()
timestamp_us double - timestamp in a double: seconds.microseconds: static_cast<double>(tiv.tv_sec) + static_cast<double>(tiv.tv_usec) * 1e-6 convert with toDouble
q const Tango::AttrQuality - Tango attribute quality { ATTR_VALID, ATTR_INVALID, ATTR_ALARM, ATTR_CHANGING, ATTR_WARNING } from server/idl/tango.h. Convert with toInt
qc string - A string with the name of the color provided the class CuTangoWorldConfig can be used to decorate widgets. Use in combination with QuPalette. Convert with toString
dfs string - Data format as string ("scalar", "vector", matrix", "data format unknown") consistent naming across tango and epics
value CuVariant - The attribute value. (read) The tango read value
value string - For Tango::DEV_STATE attribute types, the state is mapped into its string representation. Convenience conversion applied only for DEV_STATE attribute data type.
w_value CuVariant - The attribute write value. Available if the attribute is read/write, key missing otherwise. Tango write value in read/write attributes
sc string - state color: a string describing a color for a Tango::DEV_STATE, configuration possible through CuTangoWorldConfig. Can be used to decorate a widget. Available only if attribute.get_type() == Tango::DEV_STATE
s long int - A Tango::DEV_STATE casted to long int. Available for Tango::DEV_STATE attributes Available only if attribute.get_type() == Tango::DEV_STATE

CuData contents from Tango commands

When getting output arguments from commands, the key/values you should expect to find within the CuData are shown in the following table:

Key Type Value Description Notes
data bool true A CuData with configuration data will have the "data" key always set to true -
src string - The source name as configured with setSource. Tango device / attribute src
msg string - A message bearing information about the success of the operation. See the err key below
err bool - true if an error occurred, false otherwise See the msg key abovekey always present in CuData
color string - A string with the name of the color provided the class CuTangoWorldConfig associated to an error/success Can be used to decorate widgets
timestamp_ms time_t + suseconds_t - Timestamp as integer: a struct timeval is used to store the timestamp. Formula: tiv.tv_sec * 1000 + tiv.tv_usec / 1000; can convert with toLongInt()
timestamp_us double - timestamp in a double: seconds.microseconds: static_cast<double>(tiv.tv_sec) + static_cast<double>(tiv.tv_usec) * 1e-6 convert with toDouble
dfs string - Data format as string ("scalar", "vector", matrix", "data format unknown") consistent naming across tango and epics
dt int - Tango::CmdArgType casted to an int: enum CmdArgType {DEV_VOID = 0,DEV_BOOLEAN,DEV_SHORT,DEV_LONG,... } From /lib/cpp/server/tango_const.h
value CuVariant - The attribute value. (read) The tango read value
value string - For Tango::DEV_STATE attribute types, the state is mapped into its string representation. Convenience conversion applied only for DEV_STATE attribute data type.
sc string - A string describing a color for a Tango::DEV_STATE, configuration possible through CuTangoWorldConfig. Can be used to decorate a widget. Available only if attribute.get_type() == Tango::DEV_STATE
s long int - A Tango::DEV_STATE casted to long int. Available for Tango::DEV_STATE attributes Available only if attribute.get_type() == Tango::DEV_STATE

CuData contents for attribute properties.

The contents of CuData when used to fetch properties from the database are more dynamic and depend on the type of property fetched: attribute, class or device. Please refer to the Writing an activity to read Tango device, attribute and class properties for more information and for an example of application reading from the tango database.

To fetch properties from the Tango database, a list of input CuData must be provided.

  • To get attribute properties, each CuData element must be compiled as follows:
Key Type Description Example
device string The tango device name "test/device/1"
name string The attribute property name "description"
  • To get device properties, each CuData element must be compiled as follows:
Key Type Description Example
device string The tango device name "test/device/1"
name string The device property name "description"
  • To get class properties, each CuData bundle must be compiled as follows:
Key Type Description Example
class string The class name of the device "TangoTest"
name string The property name "description"

Example of code to get properties from the Tango database

The following code shows how to set up a list of CuData where every element describes the type and name of the property to be fetched. The PropertyReader class implements CuDataListener, so that when properties are available, the onUpdate method is invoked.

// Suppose each element of "props" is a std::string formed as follows:
// - test/device/1:description device property: two '/' and ':'
// - test/device/1/double_scalar:values attribute properties: three '/' and one ':'
// - TangoTest:Description class property: one '/'
void PropertyReader::get(const char *id, const std::vector<std::string> &props)
/* start the event loop in a separate thread, where data from activities will be posted */
std::list<CuData> in_data;
for(size_t i = 0; i < props.size(); i++) {
size_t cnt = count(props[i].begin(), props[i].end(), '/');
size_t cpos = props[i].find(':');
if(cnt == 2 && cpos < std::string::npos)
CuData devpd("device", props[i].substr(0, cpos));
devpd["name"] = props[i].substr(cpos + 1, std::string::npos);
else if(cnt == 3) {
CuData devpd("device", props[i].substr(0, props[i].rfind('/')));
if(cpos < std::string::npos) {
devpd["attribute"] = props[i].substr(props[i].rfind('/') + 1, cpos - props[i].rfind('/') -1);
devpd["name"] = props[i].substr(cpos + 1, std::string::npos);
devpd["attribute"] = props[i].substr(props[i].rfind('/') + 1, cpos); // cpos == npos
else if(cnt == 0 && cpos < std::string::npos) { // class
CuData cld("class", props[i].substr(0, cpos));
cld["name"] = props[i].substr(cpos + 1);
// now fetch the properties
CuTDbPropertyReader *pr = new CuTDbPropertyReader(id, m_ct);
// PropertyReader in this example implements the CuDataListener interface
// get the properties listed within in_data

The result is again a CuData compiled as follows:

Key Type Description Example Notes
err bool true if an error occurred, false otherwise if(data["err"].toBool() { ... error ... } See the msg key below
msg string A message bearing information about the success of the operation. - See the err key above
list vector of strings The list of the properties contained in the result "test/device/1/long_scalar:abs_change", "TangoTest:Description", "test/device/1:helperApplication" use this to get the list of fetched properties
property1 CuVariant The property value corresponding to the "property1" property double abs_ch = std::stod(data["test/device/1/long_scalar:abs_change"].toString()); always use toString, properties are fetched as strings
property2 CuVariant The property value corresponding to the "property2" property std::string helperApp = data["test/device/1:helperApplication"].toString(); always use toString, properties are fetched as strings
... CuVariant The i-th property value... - always use toString, properties are fetched as strings
propertyN CuVariant The N-th property value corresponding to the "propertyN" property std::string nthpropval = data["propertyN"].toString(); always use toString, properties are fetched as strings

and is delivered as argument of the onUpdate method.