cumbia-websocket 1.x
Qt widgets on top of the cumbia C++ library
Cumbia websocket module

The cumbia web socket module provides an interface to send and receive data through http and receive data from a web socket. The library relies on the canoned server that has been developed for the PWMA mobile and web interface:

The cumbia web socket module has been developed in order to build applications for mobile devices able to interact with the Tango and EPICS control systems through the aforementioned canoned server (PWMA).

Write an QML application for android.

This example shows how to write and build a simple Qt QML application for Android that reads from the Tango control system through http and websockets using cumbia-websocket.

Start a new project

  • Open Qt creator and create a new project.
  • In the "New file or project" dialog, choose Qt Quick Application - Empty
  • Choose the location and make sure to select Android for armeabi-v7a in the Kits page of the wizard, named Kit Selection


The new project wizard should have created the following files:

  • main.cpp
  • main.qml
  • qml.qrc

Add the support for <em>cumbia-qtcontrols</em> and <em>cumbia-websocket</em> in the <em></em> project file

QT += quick
CONFIG += c++11
# ... pro file continues...

The main.cpp file

The main.cpp file employs the following objects in order to use cumbia-qtcontrols and cumbia-websocket:

  • CumbiaPool: selects the appropriate cumbia implementation for the engine at runtime, according to the names of the sources provided;
  • CumbiaWebSocket: provides access to the cumbia websocket module;
  • CumbiaPool_O: a QObject that wraps CumbiaPool so that it can be accessed from QtQuick/QML (needs to be a QObject)
  • QQuickView: the view for the application
  • CuAppStateManager: an utility class that deals with application state changes (active, inactive, hidden, suspended)

An example of a main.cpp is shown below

#include <QApplication>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
#include <QQuickView>
#include <QQmlContext>
#include <cucontrolsfactorypool.h>
#include <cumbiapool_o.h>
#include <cumbiapool.h>
#include <cuwsreader.h> // for CuWSReaderFactory
#include <qmlappstatemanager.h>
#include <cuthreadfactoryimpl.h>
#include <qthreadseventbridgefactory.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
CumbiaPool *cu_pool = new CumbiaPool();
CuControlsFactoryPool m_ctrl_factory_pool;
// if we use Qt Charts, we must select QApplication, not QGuiApplication
QApplication app(argc, argv); // before creating CumbiaWebSocket!
// setup Cumbia web socket with the web socket address and the host name to prepend to the sources
// for the HTTP requests
CumbiaWebSocket* cuws = new CumbiaWebSocket("ws://",
new CuThreadFactoryImpl(), new QThreadsEventBridgeFactory());
// source names will start with "tango://", use it as pattern to register the CumbiaWebSocket
// implementation for such sources
std::vector<std::string> tango_proto_patterns;
cu_pool->registerCumbiaImpl("tango", cuws);
m_ctrl_factory_pool.registerImpl("tango", CuWSReaderFactory());
cu_pool->setSrcPatterns("tango", tango_proto_patterns);
// wrap up CumbiaPool and CuControlsFactoryPool into a QObject so that it can be
// set as a QML engine context property below
CumbiaPool_O cumbia_fac_qobj;
cumbia_fac_qobj.init(cu_pool, m_ctrl_factory_pool);
// the view
QQuickView *view = new QQuickView;
view->resize(800, 400);
view->engine()->rootContext()->setContextProperty("cumbia_poo_o", &cumbia_fac_qobj);
// manage application state changes
CuAppStateManager appstman(&app, view);
// close websocket when the application is inactive, reopen it when it's active again
int ret = app.exec();
// tidy up everything
delete view;
delete cuws;
delete cu_pool;
return ret;
Definition: cuwscontrolsreader.h:12
Definition: cumbiawebsocket.h:311
CuWSClient * websocketClient() const
Definition: cumbiawebsocket.cpp:165
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

The qml files

The main.qml uses a SwipeView to swipe between three pages, each one defined in three separate qml files: Page1.qml, Page2.qml and Page3.qml


import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import eu.elettra.cumbiaqmlcontrols 1.0
SwipeView {
currentIndex: 0
anchors.fill: parent
Page1 {}
Page2 {}
Page3 {}
PageIndicator {
id: indicator
count: swipeView.count
currentIndex: swipeView.currentIndex
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
// anchors.horizontalCenter: swipeView.horizontalCenter


import QtQuick 2.0
import eu.elettra.cumbiaqmlcontrols 1.0
CumbiaSpectrumChart {
sources: "tango://;tango://"
id: spectrumChart
title: "float, double spectrum"


import QtQuick 2.0
import eu.elettra.cumbiaqmlcontrols 1.0
CumbiaTrendChart {
sources: "tango://;tango://;tango://"
id: scalarChart
title: "double, long, short"


import QtQuick 2.0
import eu.elettra.cumbiaqmlcontrols 1.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.11
ScrollView {
id: secondPage
clip: true
ColumnLayout {
id: grid
spacing: 6
Text {
id: text1
text: qsTr("long_scalar")
font.pixelSize: 12
Layout.margins: 10
CumbiaLabel {
id: cumbiaReadLabel
styleColor: "#0d99f2"
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.margins: 10
CumbiaCircularGauge {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.margins: 10
Text {
id: text2
text: qsTr("double_scalar")
font.pixelSize: 12
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.margins: 10
CumbiaLabel {
id: cumbiaReadLabel1
styleColor: "#0d99f2"
source: "tango://"
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.margins: 10
CumbiaCircularGauge {
source: "tango://"
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.margins: 10

The following library dependencies must be added to the project. In Qt creator go to the Projects section, select Android for armeabi-v7a and then Build. In the Build Android APK section, Additional Libraries, add


and the ssl libraries that must have been compiled for android as described in the file cumbia-websocket/android/README.openssl.txt


The inclusion of the so libraries above listed is reflected by a section like this in the project file:

contains(ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH,armeabi-v7a) {
/archivi/devel/utils/git/cppqtclients/cumbia-libs/cumbia-qtcontrols/qml/examples/qmlandroidpwma/../../../../../../../../../../../libs/armeabi-v7a/ \
/archivi/devel/utils/git/cppqtclients/cumbia-libs/cumbia-qtcontrols/qml/examples/qmlandroidpwma/../../../../../../../../../../../libs/armeabi-v7a/ \
/archivi/devel/utils/git/cppqtclients/cumbia-libs/cumbia-qtcontrols/qml/examples/qmlandroidpwma/../../../../cumbia-websocket/android/openssl-lib/ \
/archivi/devel/utils/git/cppqtclients/cumbia-libs/cumbia-qtcontrols/qml/examples/qmlandroidpwma/../../../../cumbia-websocket/android/openssl-lib/ \
/archivi/devel/utils/git/cppqtclients/cumbia-libs/cumbia-qtcontrols/qml/examples/qmlandroidpwma/../../../../../../../../../../../libs/armeabi-v7a/ \

The three pages in the resulting application look like this:

[Tango spectrum]
[Tango scalar]
[Tango scalar, QML components]