Screenshots of applications written with the cumbia library

1. An application reads Tango test from a mobile device through a websocket, using canonedfrom the PWMA project

cumbia reads Tango spectrum from an Android device

Figure 1. Three Tango spectrum attributesare read through the websocketinterface provided by the canonedserver developed within the PWMA project.

cumbia reads Tango scalar from an Android device

Figure 2. Three Tango scalar attributesare read through the very same websocketinterface

cumbia reads Tango scalar on QML widgets from an Android device

Figure 3. Tango scalar attributesare displayed by some cumbia QML graphical elements on a mobile device

See also the PWMA project

2. A desktop application using some Qt QML components reads Tango test

cumbia reads Tango scalar on QML widgets - desktop]

Figure 4. A QMLapplication with some cumbia QMLcomponents reads from the Tangocontrol system using the qumbia-tango-controlsmodule.

3. A desktop application using classical Qt widgets components reads Tango and Epics

cumbia reads Tango and Epics quantities on classical Qt widgets - desktop]

Figure 5. A Qt widgetsapplication (cumbia client) reads from the Tangoand Epicscontrol systems at the same time using the qumbia-tango-controlsand qumbia-epics-controls modules.