cumbia-qtcontrols 1.x
Qt widgets on top of the cumbia C++ library
Writing plugins to add new widgets to cumbia.

In this tutorial we will learn how to write a plugin exporting a set of widgets that share the same interface as that exposed by the cumbia-qtcontrols elements. A client of the plugin will then instantiate an object and use it as any other cumbia-qtcontrols widget.

Realtime plot plugin

A common pattern at Elettra synchrotron is to have Tango devices exposing commands with two input arguments that retur arrays of data. They are usually read with a frequency of 10Hz. The first argument specifies the mode, the second the number of desired elements. The mode is usually fixed and decided by the programmer, but the user may want to change the reading frequency and the number of elements. The plugin will extend QuSpectrumPlot and provide the controls to operate this changes. They are offered by an action added to the right click context menu.

1. Write the widget code

First, we start writing the code for the widget. The RTPlot is a QuSpectrumPlot and inherits from the QuXtraWidgetI interface:

#include <quspectrumplot.h>
#include <cudata.h>
#include <cudatalistener.h>
#include <quxtrawidgetplugininterface.h>
class Cumbia;
class QuRTPlot2 : public QuSpectrumPlot, public QuXtraWidgetI
QuRTPlot2(QWidget *parent, Cumbia *cumbia, const CuControlsReaderFactoryI &r_fac);
QuRTPlot2(QWidget *parent, CumbiaPool *cumbia_pool, const CuControlsFactoryPool &fpool);
// QuXtraWidgetI interface
QString link() const;
void setLink(const QString &s);
void unsetLink();
Type getType() const;
CuLinkControl stores a small set of objects to help create readers and writers.
Definition: cucontext.h:47
this class, used in conjunction with CumbiaPool allows to connect to different control system framewo...
Definition: cucontrolsfactorypool.h:44
cumbia-qtcontrols reader factory. Creates an instance of a CuControlsReaderA implementation.
Definition: cucontrolsfactories_i.h:67
Draw a line for each data source over time.
Definition: quspectrumplot.h:36
CuContext * getContext() const
Return a reference to the CuContext in use.
Definition: quspectrumplot.cpp:224
QuXtraWidgetI defines an interface for widgets created by an implementation of QuXtraWidgetPluginI.
Definition: plugin_ifaces/quxtrawidgetplugininterface.h:49
virtual QString link() const =0
link returns the name of the link (i.e. the source of a reader or the target of a writer)
virtual void unsetLink()=0
unsetLink remove the source [target] linked to the reader [writer]
virtual Type getType() const =0
getType returns a combination of QuXtraWidgetI::Type flags
virtual void setLink(const QString &s)=0
setLink sets the name of the link (source or target)

The QuRTPlot constructor takes the same input arguments as the QuSpectrumPlot, so that the implementation is simple (example for the first constructor only). Enable Y axis auto scaling by default:

QuRTPlot2::QuRTPlot2(QWidget *parent, Cumbia *cumbia, const CuControlsReaderFactoryI &r_fac)
: QuSpectrumPlot (parent, cumbia, r_fac) {

The other methods that must be implemented from the QuXtraWidgetI interface are very easy to write:

CuContext *QuRTPlot2::getContext() const {
QString QuRTPlot2::link() const {
void QuRTPlot2::setLink(const QString &s) {
void QuRTPlot2::unsetLink() {
QuXtraWidgetI::Type QuRTPlot2::getType() const {
void unsetSource(const QString &s)
Definition: quspectrumplot.cpp:119
QString source
Definition: quspectrumplot.h:39
void setSource(const QString &s)
Definition: quspectrumplot.cpp:88
Definition: plugin_ifaces/quxtrawidgetplugininterface.h:52
@ Reader
Definition: plugin_ifaces/quxtrawidgetplugininterface.h:52

If we want to allow setting multiple sources through a list of strings, as QuSpectrumPlot does, we can provide a convenient Qt property in order to let the clients of QuRTPlot2 access the setSources and sources methods without need for dynamic_cast at runtime:

class QuRTPlot2 : public QuSpectrumPlot, public QuXtraWidgetI
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList sources READ sources WRITE setSources)
// ...
QStringList sources() const;
public slots:
void setSources(const QStringList& srcs);
// ...
QStringList sources
Definition: quspectrumplot.h:38
void setSources(const QStringList &l)
Definition: quspectrumplot.cpp:94

The two added methods are just shortcuts calling the base class equivalents:

QStringList QuRTPlot2::sources() const {
void QuRTPlot2::setSources(const QStringList &srcs) {

A dialog will provide options to change the period and the number of samples. It is accessible through the contextual menu. We must reimplement contextMenuEvent and extend the menu with a proper action. QuSpectrumPlot, as well as QuTrendPlot, use the strategy pattern to create contextual menus. Get the QuSpectrumPlot context menu stragegy, let it create the menu and extend it with a new action:

void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e);


#include <QMenu>
// ...
void QuRTPlot2::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) {
QMenu *menu = contextMenuStrategy()->createMenu(this);
menu->addAction("Configure real time plot...", this, SLOT(configureRT()));

A configureRT() slot must be added. It creates a dialog with the necessary controls to change the period and the number of samples. Since Elettra "*real time*" data is acquired through Tango commands with two input arguments and the syntax of the source is like


a regular expression is employed to replace the old source with the new one. Other implementations are possible. A QDialog is populated with two *QLabel*s, two *QSpinBox*es and two *QPushButton*s.

void QuRTPlot2::configureRT() {
QDialog d(this);
QGridLayout *lo = new QGridLayout(&d);
lo->setSpacing(lo->spacing() / 3);
QLabel *lperiod = new QLabel("Period", &d);
QLabel *lnsam = new QLabel("Number of samples", &d);
QSpinBox *sbperiod = new QSpinBox(&d);
QSpinBox *sbSamples = new QSpinBox (&d);
lo->addWidget(lperiod, 0, 0, 1, 2);
lo->addWidget(sbperiod, 0, 2, 1, 2);
lo->addWidget(lnsam, 0, 4, 1, 2);
lo->addWidget(sbSamples, 0, 6, 1, 2);
QPushButton *pbClose = new QPushButton("Close", &d);
connect(pbClose, SIGNAL(clicked()), &d, SLOT(reject()));
lo->addWidget(pbClose, 1, 0, 1, 1);
QPushButton *pbApply = new QPushButton("Apply", &d);
lo->addWidget(pbApply, 1, 7, 1, 1);
connect(pbApply, SIGNAL(clicked()), &d, SLOT(accept()));
if(d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
int timeout = sbperiod->value();
int nsam = sbSamples->value();
QStringList srcs;
if(timeout != period())
foreach(QString s, sources()) {
QRegExp cmdRe("(.*)\\((\\d+),(\\d+)\\)");
if(cmdRe.indexIn(s) > -1 && cmdRe.capturedTexts().size() > 3) {
QStringList caps = cmdRe.capturedTexts();
QString newSrc = QString("%1(%2,%3)").arg(caps[1]).arg(caps[2]).arg(nsam);
srcs << newSrc;
if(!srcs.isEmpty() && srcs != sources())

The widget is now ready. The context menu on the plot allows to configure the new real time plot. In the next section, we have to write the plugin code.

2. The plugin code

In order to be loaded as an extra widget plugin, the name of the plugin must meet the requirements discussed in the QuXtraWidgetPluginLoader documentation.


is an example of valid name. We choose for this example.

2a. The Qt project file

In the project file, we include cumbia-qtcontrols.pri project include file to ensure the plugin can see the necessary include files and can link to cumbia-qtcontrols library. We install the plugin under $${INSTALL_ROOT}/include/qumbia-plugins and alongside the plugin library we distribute qurtplot2.h so that clients can access its functions, if needed. A good practise is to define Qt properties (Q_PROPERTY) to access plugin widget properties instead (this avoids dynamic_cast).

QT += core gui
CONFIG += plugin
src/ \
src/ \
INC_PATH = $${INSTALL_ROOT}/include/qumbia-plugins
inc.files = src/qurtplot2.h
inc.path = $${INC_PATH}
unix {
INSTALLS += target inc
message(" plugin installation dir: $${DEFINES_CUMBIA_QTCONTROLS_PLUGIN_DIR}")
message(" include installation dir: $${INC_PATH}")

2b. The plugin files

The header file, named, contains the RTPlotXWidgetPlugin class, implementing the QuXtraWidgetPluginI interface from cumbia-qtcontrols quxtrawidgetplugininterface.h. As you can see, the code is very easy to write. With qtcreator, once defined the class

class RTPlotXWidgetPlugin : public QObject, public QuXtraWidgetPluginI
Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "org.qt-project.Qt.QGenericPluginFactoryInterface" FILE "")
explicit RTPlotXWidgetPlugin(QObject *parent = nullptr);
QuXtraWidgetPluginI provides and interface that subclasses will use to provide one or more widgets ab...
Definition: plugin_ifaces/quxtrawidgetplugininterface.h:149

right click on the class name, RTPlotXWidgetPlugin, and choose Refactor --> Insert Virtual Functions of Base Classes to get the skeleton of the method definitions (in .h file) and implementation (in .cpp file):

#include <quxtrawidgetplugininterface.h>
#include <QObject>
class RTPlotXWidgetPlugin : public QObject, public QuXtraWidgetPluginI
Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "org.qt-project.Qt.QGenericPluginFactoryInterface" FILE "")
explicit RTPlotXWidgetPlugin(QObject *parent = nullptr);
// QuXtraWidgetPluginI interface
QWidget *create(const QString &name, QWidget *parent, Cumbia *cumbia, const CuControlsReaderFactoryI &r_fac);
QWidget *create(const QString &name, QWidget *parent, CumbiaPool *cumbia_pool, const CuControlsFactoryPool &fpool);
QString name() const;
QStringList catalogue() const;
virtual QStringList catalogue() const =0
widgetList provides the list of the names of the widgets offered by the plugin
virtual QWidget * create(const QString &name, QWidget *parent, Cumbia *cumbia, const CuControlsReaderFactoryI &r_fac)
create allocate and return a new QWidget implementing QuXtraWidgetI
Definition: plugin_ifaces/quxtrawidgetplugininterface.h:165
virtual QString name() const =0
name returns the name of the plugin

The key methods to implement are the two create ones: according to the given class name, they instantiate one of the objects available in the plugin catalogue. In this example plugin, only QuRTPlot2 widget is offered. In the real, another version of plot is provided.

// include files
#include ""
#include <cucontext.h>
#include "qurtplot.h"
#include "qurtplot2.h"
#include <cumacros.h>
// create methods
QWidget *RTPlotXWidgetPlugin::create(const QString &name, QWidget *parent, Cumbia *cumbia, const CuControlsReaderFactoryI &r_fac)
if(name == "QuRTPlot2")
return new QuRTPlot2(parent, cumbia, r_fac);
perr("RTPlotXWidgetPlugin.create: RTPlotXWidgetPlugin does not provide the widget \"%s\"", qstoc(name));
return nullptr;
QWidget *RTPlotXWidgetPlugin::create(const QString &name, QWidget *parent, CumbiaPool *cumbia_pool,
const CuControlsFactoryPool &fpool)
if(name == "QuRTPlot2")
return new QuRTPlot2(parent, cumbia_pool, fpool);
perr("RTPlotXWidgetPlugin.create: RTPlotXWidgetPlugin does not provide the widget \"%s\"", qstoc(name));
return nullptr;

A catalogue method is required by the plugin interface in order to provide the list of classes (widgets) provided by the plugin. In this example, only one widget is offered:

QStringList RTPlotXWidgetPlugin::catalogue() const
return QStringList() << "QuRTPlot2";

The catalogue is employed by the QuXtraWidgetPluginLoader to inform the client whether a given class is available or not. The QuXtraWidgetPluginLoader scans all extra widget plugins for a given class name.

Two last methods must be implemented, name and description. The code is self explanatory:

QString RTPlotXWidgetPlugin::name() const
return "";
QString RTPlotXWidgetPlugin::description() const
return QString("%1 provides a \"realtime plots\" that connect and display arrays "
"from some special Elettra Tango devices exporting \"real time\" commands.").arg(name());

3. The client.

The client is an application which skeleton can be generated with the utility

cumbia new project

In this example, the code to load the plugin and instantiate the real time plot is written in the constructor. First, we get the plugin that provides the class we need, QuRTPlot2 and, if available, we ask the instantiation of the object:

#include "RTPlotXWPluginExample.h"
// cumbia-tango
#include <cuserviceprovider.h>
#include <cumacros.h>
// cumbia-tango
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QVariant>
RTPlotXWPluginExample::RTPlotXWPluginExample(CumbiaTango *cut, QWidget *parent) :
// cumbia-tango
cu_t = cut;
m_log = new CuLog(&m_log_impl);
cu_t->getServiceProvider()->registerService(CuServices::Log, m_log);
// cumbia-tango
QGridLayout *lo = new QGridLayout(this);
QuXtraWidgetPluginI *pi = xwpl.getPlugin("QuRTPlot2");
if(pi) {
QWidget *rtPlot = pi->create("QuRTPlot2", parent, cut, this->cu_tango_r_fac);
if(rtPlot) {
// either use the "source" property
rtPlot->setProperty("source", qApp->arguments()[1]);
// or
// dynamic_cast<QuXtraWidgetI *>(rtPlot)->setLink(qApp->arguments().at(1));
} // else: very strange
} // else error: the plugin is not [correctly] installed
The QuXtraWidgetPluginLoader class finds the plugin that exports a widget with a given file name.
Definition: quxtrawidgetpluginloader.h:33
QuXtraWidgetPluginI * getPlugin(const QString &classnam) const
Definition: quxtrawidgetpluginloader.cpp:34

If everything is as expected, build the plugin, then the client app. You'll get a plot that not only displays arrays from elettra real time devices, but also configures the polling period and the number of samples through a popup dialog